CARA A CARA COM OS PARASITAS: Um jogo interativo para estudantes cegos.

Dissertação de Mestrado Profissional


Anne Paulino Bajur (Bajur, Anne Paulino) /

Programa de Pós-graduação em Ensino

Área de conhecimento




Andréa Carla Leite Chaves


Adriana Gomes Dickman

Banca Examinadora





CARA A CARA COM OS PARASITAS: Um jogo interativo para estudantes cegos.

Palavras-chave em Português

. Parasitas intestinais



Jogo didático

No ambiente escolar há um notório uso de recursos visuais como gráficos, imagens e vídeos que dificultam a aprendizagem dos estudantes com cegueira, obstando a construção do conhecimento. Jogos adaptados para estudantes cegos representam uma possibilidade de ensinar de modo diferente, associando o lúdico à obtenção de informações. Diante disso, o presente trabalho descreve o processo de elaboração e avaliação do jogo didático “Cara a Cara com os parasitas”, destinado a cegos, que busca contribuir para o processo de ensino e de aprendizagem das principais enteroparasitoses. O estudo foi desenvolvido em quatro etapas metodológicas: elaboração do jogo; teste-piloto com três pessoas cegas; avaliação do jogo por estudantes cegos; elaboração do tutorial do jogo destinado a professores. Para a elaboração do jogo, foram levados em consideração, principalmente, a abordagem sócio interacionista de Vygotsky (1984) e os critérios estabelecidos por Cerqueira e Ferreira (2000) para a elaboração de recursos didáticos para a educação especial. Após a aplicação do teste-piloto, foram realizados ajustes baseados nas modificações sugeridas pelos sujeitos entrevistados. A versão final foi avaliada por estudantes cegos do ensino fundamental do Instituto São Rafael, que consideraram o jogo adequado e interessante. Os resultados da avaliação com os cegos mostraram que o “Cara a cara com os parasitas” foi capaz de produzir interação, diversão, divulgação de informações e ressignificação de conceitos e, consequentemente, pode contribuir para o processo de ensino e aprendizagem e para a construção do conhecimento sobre parasitoses. Importante ressaltar que o jogo pode ser jogado por cegos e videntes, favorecendo a inclusão escolar e a socialização dos estudantes.

FACE TO FACE WITH THE PARASITES: An interactive game for blind students.

Palavras-chave em Inglês


Didactic game

Intestinal parasites


In the school environment there is a notorious use of visual resources such as graphics, images and videos that make it difficult for students with visual disabilities to learn, preventing the construction of knowledge. Games adapted for blind students represent a possibility of teaching in a different way, associating the ludic to obtaining information. Thus, the present work describes the process of elaboration and evaluation of the didactic game “Face to Face with parasites”, that seeks to contribute to the teaching and learning process of blind people about the main enteroparasitoses. The study was developed in four stages: elaboration of the game; pilot test with three blind people; game evaluation by blind students; preparation of the game tutorial for teachers. For the elaboration of the game, we based on the social interaction approach of Vygotsky (1984) and the criteria, established by Cerqueira and Ferreira (2000), for the elaboration of didactic resources for special education. After the application of the pilot test, we revised the game based on the suggestions made by the interviewed subjects. The final version was evaluated by blind students of elementary school at Instituto São Rafael, who considered the game appropriate and interesting. We conclude, based on our results, that “Face to Face with parasites” is capable to promote interaction, fun, dissemination of information and re-signification of concepts. Consequently, it can contribute to the teaching and learning process by stimulating the construction of knowledge about parasitic diseases. It is important to emphasize that the game can be played by blind and sighted people, favoring school inclusion and students socialization. In the school environment there is a notorious use of visual resources such as graphics, images and videos that make it difficult for students with visual disabilities to learn, preventing the construction of knowledge. Games adapted for blind students represent a possibility of teaching in a different way, associating the ludic to obtaining information. Thus, the present work describes the process of elaboration and evaluation of the didactic game “Face to Face with parasites”, that seeks to contribute to the teaching and learning process of blind people about the main enteroparasitoses. The study was developed in four stages: elaboration of the game; pilot test with three blind people; game evaluation by blind students; preparation of the game tutorial for teachers. For the elaboration of the game, we based on the social interaction approach of Vygotsky (1984) and the criteria, established by Cerqueira and Ferreira (2000), for the elaboration of didactic resources for special education. After the application of the pilot test, we revised the game based on the suggestions made by the interviewed subjects. The final version was evaluated by blind students of elementary school at Instituto São Rafael, who considered the game appropriate and interesting. We conclude, based on our results, that “Face to Face with parasites” is capable to promote interaction, fun, dissemination of information and re-signification of concepts. Consequently, it can contribute to the teaching and learning process by stimulating the construction of knowledge about parasitic diseases. It is important to emphasize that the game can be played by blind and sighted people, favoring school inclusion and students socialization.

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